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All you need to know about

Dance-A-Lot Robot

Dance A Lot Robot

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Don Carter



“Dance-A-Lot Robot” was a short show that filled up space between longer shows on Playhouse Disney. Each episode lasted only 3 to 4 minutes.

Each episode featured the Robot “leader” and two children to help teach little ones how to dance to new and creative dance ideas. For instance, there was the Frog Dance, the Clock Dance, the Race Car Dance, the Flower Dance, the Dinosaur Dance, and many more.

The best part is that the show made young children exercise without them even knowing it. It was a great opportunity for parents and young children to dance together. The music was very catchy and the show was very colorful, perfect for toddlers.

Who are the main characters of Dance-A-Lot Robot?

Dance-A-Lot Robot: a blue robot with grey arms and red hands and feet. He is programmed with music and shows children all sorts of dance moves.
Shawn: a real-life little boy who joins Dance-A-Lot Robot on the dance floor and dance with him.
Caitlin: a real-life little girl who joins Dance-A-Lot Robot on the dance floor to dance with him.
Danny: a real-life little African-American boy who joins Dance-A-Lot Robot on the dance floor to learn to dance.
Hailey: a real-life little girl from Asian descent who joins Dance-A-Lot Robot on the dance floor to learn the dance

Production studio: Curious Pictures

The information provided on this page about Dance-A-Lot Robot isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Dance-A-Lot Robot videos on Youtube

Dance-A-Lot Robot – The Dinosaur Dance

Dance-A-Lot Robot – The Robot Dance