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Super Why!

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Canada and United States

Creation year



Angela C. Santomero


In Storybook Village, Whyatt Beanstalk and his friends have all sorts of “super big problems, questions or mysteries” that can only be solved by following the storyline of a certain book. These books are classic fairy tales like Red Riding Hood or The Princess and the Pea. As they meet obstacles along the way, the characters need to apply their skills to find a way out. Every time they overcome an obstacle, they get one of the “Super Letters”, that will eventually give them the answer to their question.

Who are the main characters of Super Why!?

Whyatt Beanstalk: the host of the series and the leader of the group of characters who become the "Super Readers"
Jack: Whyatt's older brother
Mrs. Beanstalk: Whyatt's mother
Mr. Beanstalk: Whyatt's father
Joy: Whyatt's baby sister
Littlest Pig: "The Littlest Pig"
Little Red Riding Hood: the title character from the fairy tale
Princess Pea: named after the children's story "The Princess and the Pea"
Woofster: Whyatt's puppy dog
Super Why: Whyatt's Super Reader form

Production studio: Gallus Entertainment

The information provided on this page about Super Why! isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Super Why! videos on Youtube

Super Why – The Story of the Super Readers

Super Why – Baby Dino’s Big Discovery

Super Why! Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Super Why!