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ABC Kids


Keeko is a lovely little blue creature who lives in a beautiful forest with its playmates Bird and Dog. Every day, they do fun activities and play new games. In doing so, they discover how to interact, how to solve problems and show their love for each other. This program was developed by Early Education specialists and focuses on the learning outcomes of children with autism.

Who are the main characters of Keeko?

Keeko: The main character of the cartoon, a blue creature who's got no legs. It lives in a beautiful forest, where it engages in fun activities with its friends. Keeko represents the challenged child, who has difficulties to respond emotionally to a given situation.

Bird: She's a tiny little, round, green bird who becomes friends with Keeko. Bird represents the very high functioning child.

Dog: He's a little orange pup, who's also a playmate to Keeko. Dog represents a child who just goes with the flow.

Production studio: Blue Rocket Productions

The information provided on this page about Keeko isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Keeko videos on Youtube

Keeko – Playing

Keeko – Losing

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