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Unofficial Flea-Bitten! cartoon wiki page

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Flea Bitten

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Moody Street Kids


The Australian animated series “Flea-Bitten!” follows the adventures of a dog named Flea-bag and his unlikely friend, Ichy the flea. They manage to escape the dog pound and start roaming the streets in search of Flea-bag’s family. Along the way, they have all sorts of funny encounters. But it’s not always fun living on the streets, as there is a dangerous pack of stray dogs roaming the city.

Who are the main characters of Flea-Bitten!?

Flea-bag: a blue and white dog who escapes the dog pound
Itchy: a wise talking flea that befriends Flea-bag and joins him on his adventures

Production studio: Moody Street Productions

The information provided on this page about Flea-Bitten! isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Flea-Bitten! videos on Youtube

Flea-Bitten! – Trailer