Unofficial Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe cartoon wiki page
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Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe

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Country of origin
Creation year
Ashley Spires
Agent Binky is a space cat who has been sent to Earth to protect his human family from intergalactic threats. Big Human and Small Human can always count on Binky and the other four pets in the PURST agency, the Pets of the Universe Ready for Space Travel organization. Binky is the leader. Gordon the dog is the inventor of the bunch, Captain Gracie is the cat from nextdoor, Nola is a turtle and Loo is a goldfish. They will stop at nothing to keep their humans out of harm’s way.
Who are the main characters of Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe?
Binky: A space cat who is the titular character of the show. He is the leader of the P.U.R.S.T. agents, the Pets of the Universe Ready for Space Travel.
Gordon: A loyal and friendly dog who is the first pet Binky meets. He lives with Binky and his family and invents things. He wears a green suit when he's working.
Sergeant Fluffy Vandermere: He is a Persian cat and is the boss of P.U.R.S.T.
Loo: She is a golfish who is sometimes carried around in a fish bowl.
Nola: She is a turtle who is part of the P.U.R.S.T. team.
Big Human: She is the mum of the human family Binky needs to protect.
Small Human: This is the son of the human family Binky is protecting form any interstellar threats.
Mini Human: She is the daughter of the human family Binky lives with.
Captain Gracie: A brown cat who lives nearby.
Darrell: A hamster, and Sergeant Fluffy's son.
Gordon: A loyal and friendly dog who is the first pet Binky meets. He lives with Binky and his family and invents things. He wears a green suit when he's working.
Sergeant Fluffy Vandermere: He is a Persian cat and is the boss of P.U.R.S.T.
Loo: She is a golfish who is sometimes carried around in a fish bowl.
Nola: She is a turtle who is part of the P.U.R.S.T. team.
Big Human: She is the mum of the human family Binky needs to protect.
Small Human: This is the son of the human family Binky is protecting form any interstellar threats.
Mini Human: She is the daughter of the human family Binky lives with.
Captain Gracie: A brown cat who lives nearby.
Darrell: A hamster, and Sergeant Fluffy's son.
Production studio: Nelvana Enterprises
The information provided on this page about Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!