Unofficial Amy & The Afterlife cartoon wiki page
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Amy & The Afterlife
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Country of origin
Creation year
Paul Nicholson
Amy and the Afterlife follows the out of this world adventures of the shy high school student Josh, and his boundary-crossing supernatural friend Amy. When having trouble at school, Josh summons the ghost of a former student to help him with his work. Amy, with her paranormal powers and supernatural friends, is determined to show Josh how to live life to the fullest. Together, Amy and Josh dive into the extraordinary and life-affirming adventures of high school, of life in general, and of the afterlife! Amy and the Afterlife is a very funny series that approaches a difficult topic from a very distinct angle.
Who are the main characters of Amy & The Afterlife?
Josh: A shy high school student.
Amy: A bombastic ghost, who is summoned by Josh, and who helps him get through school life.
Basho: One of Amy's supernatural friends, a blue frog-like creature.
Tam: Also one of Amy's supernatural friends, who looks like a walking bread box.
Death Herself: Death tries to catch everyone, but isn't always succesful.
Nina: An afro-american girl from Josh's school.
Eun: A Asian-american girl from school.
Mr. Sunflower: A bespectacled man with a sunflower costume.
Amy: A bombastic ghost, who is summoned by Josh, and who helps him get through school life.
Basho: One of Amy's supernatural friends, a blue frog-like creature.
Tam: Also one of Amy's supernatural friends, who looks like a walking bread box.
Death Herself: Death tries to catch everyone, but isn't always succesful.
Nina: An afro-american girl from Josh's school.
Eun: A Asian-american girl from school.
Mr. Sunflower: A bespectacled man with a sunflower costume.
Production studio: Omens Studios
The information provided on this page about Amy & The Afterlife isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!