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Country of origin

South Korea

Creation year



Motion Pictures Entertainment, Centraline and Connectoon


Taking care of babies and toddlers can be really hard, and finding the right babysitter isn’t always easy! That’s why the government has launched a top secret program and is sending an army commando robot named Arpo to the wacky and absent-minded DiLovely family as a housekeeper and nanny to baby Danny and his older brother Joey. Danny is a real handful and seems to be a genuine trouble-magnet!

Who are the main characters of Arpo?

Arpo: A commando robot-turned-nanny who cares for baby Daniel and his brother Joey.
Daniel: A mischievous baby who is cared for by Arpo.
Joey: Daniel's older brother who likes to play tricks on Arpo.
Mr. Park: The owner of the house where Arpo lives and works.
Mrs. Park: Mr. Park's wife and the mother of Daniel and Joey.
Grandpa: Mrs. Park's father and the grandfather of Daniel and Joey.
Grandma: Mrs. Park's mother and the grandmother of Daniel and Joey.
Robot: A robot who is friends with Arpo.
Baby: A baby who is friends with Arpo.
Dog: A dog who is friends with Arpo.

Production studio: Moonbug Entertainment

The information provided on this page about Arpo isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Arpo videos on Youtube

Arpo – Sleep Walking Arpo

Arpo – A Stinky Situation