Unofficial Arthur cartoon wiki page
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Country of origin
Canada and USA
Creation year
Marc Brown
Arthur is an 8-year old anthropomorphic aardvark, who lives with his family in Elwood City. Arthur often deals with important issues families face such as asthma, dyslexia, cancer, diabetes and autism spectrum disorder. It also encourages reading and relationships with family and friends by explaining that people have different personalities and interests.
Who are the main characters of Arthur?
Arthur Read: The main character, he is an aardvark who is mischievous and charming.
Buster Baxter: Arthur's best friend, he is a rabbit who is curious and easy-going.
Francine Frensky: Arthur's classmate and friend, she is a monkey who is competitive and determined.
Muffy Crosswire: Arthur's classmate and friend, she is a rich girl who is snooty and self-centered.
Sue Ellen Armstrong: Arthur's classmate and friend, she is an alligator who is sweet and naïve.
Binky Barnes: Arthur's classmate and friend, he is a whale who is tough and cool.
Mr. Ratburn: Arthur's human teacher, he is strict and often angry.
D.W. Read: Arthur's little sister, she is mischievous and curious.
Grandma Thora Read: Arthur's human grandmother, she is kind and loving.
Grandpa Dave Read: Arthur's human grandfather, he is kind and loving.
The information provided on this page about Arthur isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!