Astro Boy is a science fiction series set in a futuristic world where robots co-exist with humans. The protagonist is a powerful android created by the head of the Ministry of Science, Doctor Tenma. He created and built Astro to replace his son Tobio, who died in a self-driving car accident. Dr. Tenma treated Astro as his own son. However, he soon realized that the little android boy could never fully replace Tobio, especially given that Astro could not grow older or express human feelings. In the original 1960 edition, Tenma rejected Astro and sold him to a cruel circus owner. After some time, Professor Ochanomizu, the new head of the Ministry of Science, notices Astro Boy performing in the circus and convinces Hamegg to turn Astro over to him. He then takes Astro in as his own and treats him gently and warmly, and becomes his legal guardian. He soon realizes that Astro has superior powers and skills, as well as the ability to experience human emotions. From then on, Astro fights crime, evil, and injustice using his seven powers.