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Cartobaleno, Studio Campedelli, Rai Ragazzi, Maya Cosmos Entertainment Pte. Ltd.



9-year-old Teo has a very special something going on: whenever he finds himself in an emotional situation, he sneezes. What’s so special about sneezing, you would ask? Well, every time Teo goes Atchoo! he transforms into a different animal. He could be a chicken one day, and a crocodile the next! Luckily, with the help of his friends, Teo always manages to regain his human appearance and stay out of trouble.

Who are the main characters of Atchoo!?

Teo Green: A smart and cheerful 9-year-old boy who sneezes when he's in an emotional situation. He then transforms into an animal. Peter: Teo's best friend, a cheerful, calm and optimistic boy. Flo: Teo's other best friend, an animal expert who can provide useful advice. Billy Decoder Otis Stan

Production studio: Studio Campedelli

The information provided on this page about Atchoo! isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Atchoo! videos on Youtube

Atchoo – Teaser

Atchoo – Il grande incubo