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All you need to know about

Beat Bugs

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Country of origin

Australia and Canada

Creation year



Josh Wakely



Five young bug friends live in an overgrown backyard known to them as “Village Green”. They spend their days exploring and learning about life and its challenges. The bugs love to sing and make music. The series has an impressive soundtrack.

Who are the main characters of Beat Bugs?

Jay: A yellow bug who is the leader of the Beat Bugs.
Kumi: A ladybug who is the only female in the group.
Crick: A grasshopper who is the group's muscle.
Walter: A beetle who is the group's brains.
Buzz: A young fly who is the group's youngest member.
Lucy: A snail who is a friend of the Beat Bugs.
Julia: A firefly who is a friend of the Beat Bugs.
Mr. Moonlight: A bat who is a friend of the Beat Bugs.
Sgt. Pepper: A beetle who is a friend of the Beat Bugs.
Mother Nature: A voice who is the Beat Bugs' guide.

Production studio: Atomic Cartoons

The information provided on this page about Beat Bugs isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Beat Bugs videos on Youtube

Beat Bugs – Let It Be

Beat Bugs – I Want to Hold Your Hand

Beat Bugs Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Beat Bugs