Unofficial Berry Bees cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Berry Bees
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Country of origin
Italy, Australia, Ireland, India and Singapore
Creation year
Based on the book characters created by Cat Le Blanc
Looks can be deceiving! Bobby, Lola and Juliette appear to be regular 10-year-old girls living the same normal lives as any of the girls their age. But the three friends are actually undercover spies working for the Bee Intelligence Agency, a secret agency led by Ms. Berry. The girls operate under the name of Berry Bees and each have a codename after a particular type of berry. There’s Raspberry, Strawberry and Blueberry! With the help of cunning methods and handy gadgets, the trio must carry out special missions to thwart the evil plans of the villains Tara Bytes, Mirage and the Greenthumbs.
Who are the main characters of Berry Bees?
Bobby: Bobby is a 10-year-old who secretly works for the Bee Intelligence Agency. She is an expert in technology and also quite a nerd.
Lola: Lola is a 10-year-old Afro-American girl who works undercover for the Bee Intelligence Agency. She is an acrobat and a contortionist.
Juliette: Juliette is a blond 10-year-old girl who works as a spy for the Bee Intelligence Agency. She is a very talented actress and a mentalist.
Ms. Berry: Ms. Berry is the head of the Bee Intelligence Agency.
Tara Bytes: She is a corrupt tech mogul. She usually tries to steal advanced technology.
Aaron Mirage: He is a cunning thief who can take the identity of anyone.
Cosmo and Fauna Greenthumb: They are an old couple who strive to make the environment better for the animals. They are constantly seen bickering.
Blueberry: Blueberry is the codename of Juliette.
Raspberry: Raspberry is the codename of Bobby.
Strawberry: Strawberry is the codename of Lola.
Production studio: Lumicel Animation Studios
The information provided on this page about Berry Bees isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!