Unofficial Big Blue cartoon wiki page
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Big Blue
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Country of origin
Creation year
Gyimah Gariba
Welcome to the marvellous underwater world and meet the crew of the United Current submarine Calypso. On board you will find Admirall Krill and his second in command Commander Plink. The team is made up of humans and anthropomorphic sea creatures: crew captain Lettie, science officer Lemo, mecanic Freddie, resident medic Phil and Bacon Berry, a mysterious creature whose origin is unknown. Together they must defend the oceans from various dangers, especially from The Blegh, a large mass of pollution that threatens submarine life.
Who are the main characters of Big Blue?
Lettie: She is one of the twins. She is very adventurous, just like her brother Lemo. She is the captain of the submarine Calypso.
Lemo: He is one of the twins. Together with his sister Lettie, he goes on underwater adventures. He is the submarine's science officer.
Bacon Berry: She is a magical ocean fairy who turns out to be a stowaway on the submarine.
Commander Plink: He is the number two of the submarine.
Phil: He is a nervous dolphin, who works onboard the submarine as the resident medic.
Freddie: He is a laidback turtle and works as the ship's mechanic.
The Blegh: This is a sentient mass of pollution, that spreads continuously and contaminates all the water in the ocean.
Admiral Krill: He is the commander in chief and is a very diminutive creature.
Kraken: A notorious seamonster.
Mira Clearwater: She is an anthropomorphic stingray. She graduated first from the UC Academy, Lettie coming second.
Lemo: He is one of the twins. Together with his sister Lettie, he goes on underwater adventures. He is the submarine's science officer.
Bacon Berry: She is a magical ocean fairy who turns out to be a stowaway on the submarine.
Commander Plink: He is the number two of the submarine.
Phil: He is a nervous dolphin, who works onboard the submarine as the resident medic.
Freddie: He is a laidback turtle and works as the ship's mechanic.
The Blegh: This is a sentient mass of pollution, that spreads continuously and contaminates all the water in the ocean.
Admiral Krill: He is the commander in chief and is a very diminutive creature.
Kraken: A notorious seamonster.
Mira Clearwater: She is an anthropomorphic stingray. She graduated first from the UC Academy, Lettie coming second.
Production studio: 6 Point Harness
The information provided on this page about Big Blue isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!