Unofficial Book Hungry Bears cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Book Hungry Bears

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Country of origin
Creation year
Pūkeko Pictures
Boomer, Melody, Scout and Crystal are no ordinary bears, they are Book Hungry Bears! These little bears are absolute book worms. They love sharing book and are hungry to learn all they can from books. Everyday, they go on a new adventure and look for a book they can settle down with and share. Discover their beautiful and magical paper world, where every living being was created from cardboard. When the little bears are close and comfy, they share their passion for books and ask each other questions, look at the illustrations and loose themselves in the story.
Who are the main characters of Book Hungry Bears?
Crystal: A polar bear who loves reading.
Boomer: A brown bear who is a real book worm.
Melody: A panda bear who adores picture books.
Scout: A koala bear who likes to get comfy and share books.
Production studio: Pukeko Studios
The information provided on this page about Book Hungry Bears isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!