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All you need to know about

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers

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Country of origin

United States of America

Creation year



Russell Marcus



Brandy the dog and Mr. Whiskers the rabbit fall out of an airplane and find themselves stranded in the Amazon rainforest. They soon make new friends with the local animal inhabitants of the forest but have to adapt to the challenges of their new life.

Who are the main characters of Brandy & Mr. Whiskers?

Brandy Harrington: a pampered dog who falls into the Amazon rainforest and befriends Mr. Whiskers
Mr. Whiskers: a hyperactive rabbit who also falls into the Amazon rainforest and becomes friends with Brandy
Lola Boa: a pink and purple-striped boa constrictor who is the voice of reason among Brandy's friends
Cheryl and Meryl: twin toucan sisters who are Brandy's closest girlfriends
Ed: a giant otter who is Mr. Whiskers' best friend
Gaspar Le'Gecko: the self-appointed dictator/entrepreneur/musical director of the Amazon Rainforest who often serves as the main antagonist of the series
Simian Henchmen: Gaspar's simian henchmen

Production studio: Wang Film Productions (Brilliant Pictures Group)

The information provided on this page about Brandy & Mr. Whiskers isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers videos on Youtube

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers – The Tortoise and the Hare Brain

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers – Mr. Whiskers’ First Friend

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers animated GIF images

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Brandy & Mr. Whiskers