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Country of origin

United States of America

Creation year



Roger Black and Waco O’Guin



The animated series Brickleberry follows a group of park rangers who work in the fictional National Park of Brickleberry in Illinois. The main character is head park ranger Steve Williams, who has been “Ranger of the Month” for several years in a row. He has always dreamt of being a park ranger. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have many skills or common sense.

Who are the main characters of Brickleberry?

Steve Williams: an overconfident, bumbling park ranger who takes himself and his job way too seriously
Woodrow "Woody" Wayland Johnson: a 55-year-old, abrasive ranger with a military background
Ethel Anderson: an attractive, 25-year-old female ranger
Denzel Jackson: a black ranger who is horrible at his job, but can't be fired because he works for a government agency
Connie Cunaman: a lesbian female ranger who has a large body, immense strength, and a deep voice that is often mistaken for a male
Malloy: the last surviving member of his species Ursus loquacious that Woody has taken in and spoiled after Steve accidentally ran over and shot his parents, telling him a tourist did it
Bobby Possumcods: a redneck who lives in the park
Bodean: Bobby's sidekick and best friend
Firecracker Jim: a local redneck who sells illegal fireworks
Dr. Kuzniak: Brickleberry's personal doctor
The information provided on this page about Brickleberry isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Brickleberry videos on Youtube

Brickleberry – A Park a Lypse

Brickleberry – This is a Disaster