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Imira Entertainment


Meet Briko, a curious and creative young boy and his best friend Hepi, a hyperactive rabbit. In every episode of the show, Briko and Hepi come across a surprise box and they are very curious to see what’s in it! First they need to find a way to open the box, before discovering the objects contained inside. Even though the objects might seem mundane, Briko and Hepi find a way to unleash their imagination in order to create or invent games, tools or gadgets with them. All of a sudden, boring day to day objects become exciting and fun! Live action segments show the audience how to make the creations themselves with objects they can find in their homes.

Who are the main characters of Briko?

Briko: A little boy who loves to experiment. He is curious and creative
Hepi: A white hyperactive rabbit with glasses, who helps Briko discover what's inside the surprise box.

Production studio: Fauna Entertainment

The information provided on this page about Briko isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Briko videos on Youtube

Briko – Trailer

Briko – DIY Umbrella