Unofficial Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates cartoon wiki page
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Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates
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Super Simple
The animated series “Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates” follows the adventures of Captain Seasalt and his crew as they explore different islands, each representing a letter of the alphabet. Through these adventures, the series aims to teach children the alphabet in an engaging and entertaining way.
Who are the main characters of Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates?
Captain Seasalt: the captain of the crew.
Maya and Ellie: the girls who are part of the ship's crew.
Sammy and Pedro the two boys who are part of the ship's crew.
Pepper: the crew's devoted dog.
Production studio: Skyship Entertainment
The information provided on this page about Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!