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Country of origin

United States and South Korea

Creation year






The animated series “Chippyhood” takes us to Acorn Forest, a place that is overgrown with a clump of tall trees and evergreen plants, and the sweet home for every woodland creature. In this magical place, the four little inquisitive chipmunks Chippy, Kong, LaLa, and BamBam look for an opportunity to add fun events into their daily lives.

The four frolicking and hyperactive chipmunks encounter fantastical fun in the forest and beyond.

“Chippyhood” utilizes a standout form of audiovisual storytelling.

Who are the main characters of Chippyhood?

Chippy: this little chipmunk wears a red hoodie. He's the leader of the gang. He's very curious and likes to explore.
Bambam: he's a round little chipmunk who just loves to eat. He's very optimistic and diplomatic.
Kong: he's just a baby chipmunk! He's still very innocent, but has a vivid imagination and loves to dance.
Lala: she's the brains of the group. She's very spontaneous and creative.

Production studio: Lion Forge Animation

The information provided on this page about Chippyhood isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!