Unofficial Corn & Peg cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Corn & Peg
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Country of origin
Creation year
Nelvana Enterprises
The Canadian animated series Corn & Peg stars a blue unicorn called Corn, and a pink Pegasus called Peg. They are best friends, schoolmates, and inseparable since preschool. Their role model is Captain Thunderhoof, and they follow his example in everything they do to make their community Galloping Grove a better place.
Who are the main characters of Corn & Peg?
Corn: A blue unicorn with a darker blue mane and tail, and wears a red jacket. He idolizes Captain Thunderhoof and has dedicated his life to doing good deeds for others along with his best friend, Peg.
Peg: A pink Pegasus with a golden-yellow mane and tail with flowers, and wears a turquoise dress. She's Corn's best friend and is rarely ever seen without him. Like Corn, she also idolizes Captain Thunderhoof and is dedicated to doing good deeds for others.
Captain Thunderhoof: A white alicorn with a sky blue mane and tail. She is a superhero who stars in a TV show and acts as a role model to both Corn and Peg. Most everyone in Galloping Grove is a huge fan of her.
Ferris: An orange pony with an orange Afro. Corn and Peg are his closest friends. He loves carrots and Captain Thunderhoof but often doesn't have the best of luck.
Clarissa: A pink pony with a blue mane and wears a blue jacket. She is another friend of Corn and Peg's. She's all about fashion and is the leader of a team of cheer-leading ponies known as the Posies.
Paisley, Praxton & Prue (The Posies): Clarissa's three best friends, a clique and not to be confused with an American Rock band of the same name called The Posies.
Ferdy: Ferris' little brother. He loves Corn and Peg but often gets into mischief. Because of his young age, his vocabulary is a little flawed.
Mayor Montagu: The mayor of Galloping Grove. He's a tan horse with a brown mustache who wears a dark blue suit and top hat as well as spectacles.
Farmer Shire: Galloping Grove's farmer. She often has trouble keeping her animals under control and often asks Corn and Peg to help her with that.
Todd: A friend of the main characters that runs a comic store. Though he tends to run out of things very quickly much to Corn and Peg's dismay.
The information provided on this page about Corn & Peg isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!