“Disco Dragon” is a French animated series that will make you feel good! Disco is a large, purple dragon who absolutely loves music! Besides being a massive fan of swinging and dancing, he also has a very special super power: he hears the inner groove of each child and when this tune gets off track and his ear starts to itch, it is the signal that a child is in emotional distress and needs his help.
Luckily, Disco Dragon isn’t alone when it comes to helping children. Betty, his resourceful neighbour, is never short of solutions, and she sets the pace. They are very good friends, who complement each other in every way. Their friendship is true and sweet.
To solve the child’s problem, Disco Dragon intervenes with his Clavitare, a real musical Swiss Army knife, from which he can conjure up all possible instruments… tambourine, trombone, banjo or typewriter… to make the child hear its inner music.
With Disco and Betty, music intervenes as a revelator of the child’s emotions who then identifies its problem. Emotions and associated words are put into a refrain. The latter becomes the child’s inner music: he shares it, tells his truth and gives himself courage to act. The music symbolises life put back on track, and optimism returned.
Betty’s passion and Disco Dragon’s awkwardness will create improbable situations and disorder. But one thing is certain: Disco Dragon and Betty will do whatever it takes for a child to find its inner harmony so that it can grow up happily and enjoy life.