Unofficial Dragon Tales cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Dragon Tales
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Country of origin
Canada, United States of America, Spain and Ireland
Creation year
Ron Rodecker and Jim Coane
The siblings Emmy and Max have an enchanted dragon scale that makes it possible to read a special rhyme to transport them to Dragon Land, a fantasy world inhabited by dragons. Brother and sister often travel to this land to help their dragon friends and assist them with their problems.
Who are the main characters of Dragon Tales?
Emmy: A young girl who, along with her brother Max, discovers a dragon scale that can transport her to Dragon Land.
Max : Emmy's younger brother who also discovers the dragon scale.
Ord: A friendly dragon who is often scared but is very strong.
Cassie: A shy dragon who is sweet and kind.
Zak and Wheezie: Twin dragons who are always arguing but are great friends.
Enrique: A new character introduced in the show's final season who befriends Emmy and Max.
Dragons: The various dragons that live in Dragon Land.
The information provided on this page about Dragon Tales isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!