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Earth to Luna

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Célia Catunda and Kiko Mistrorigo


6-year-old Luna is completely in love with science. She loves discovering new things with her little brother Jupiter and her pet ferret Clyde. They learn everything there is to know about the plant world, the universe and the animals. This animated series is aimed at curious pre-school children who will get the answer to so many questions they have by following Luna, Jupiter and Clyde’s adventures.

Who are the main characters of Earth to Luna?

Luna: A curious and imaginative little girl, she is the star of the show. She loves science and everything related to it.
Jupiter: Luna's little brother, who's named after the planet Jupiter.
Clyde: Luna's pet ferret.
Luna's mum: She works as an anthropologist and travels the world.
Luna's dad: He works as a photographer and accompanies the family to take photos.

Production studio: Pinguim Content

The information provided on this page about Earth to Luna isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Earth to Luna videos on Youtube

Earth to Luna – The Sinking Grape

Earth to Luna – Luna-Saurus Rex

Earth to Luna Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Earth to Luna