Unofficial Filly Funtasia cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Filly Funtasia
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Country of origin
Hong Kong, Spain and China
Creation year
Jacob Andersen and Henrik Andersen
Welcome to the kingdom of Funtasia, where Rose attends the Royal Magic Academy. Together with her best friends Bella, Lynn, Will and Cedric, they learn all about magic and try to enhance their magical skills. It turns out there is an evil wizard living in the basement of their school, a creature that wants to steal crystals from the academy to try and rule over Funtasia. So besides being a student and a teenager, Rose and her friends also need to stop Wranglum and Battiwigs, his pet bat who lives in Will and Cedric’s dorm.
Who are the main characters of Filly Funtasia?
Rose: A unicorn filly who attends the Royal Magic Academy in the kingdom of Funtasia. She is the main protagonist of the series.
Bella: An elf filly who loves nature and is Rose's best friend.
Lynn: A witchy filly from the Witchy Kingdom who is best friends with Will.
Will: A daring fairy filly who likes to play pranks and is friends with Lynn.
Cedric: An intelligent prince and an inventor who is Rose's other best friend.
Wranglum: The main villain of the series who is a tree like wizard creature who is trapped inside a crystal prison.
Battiwigs: A bat who is Will and Cedric's dorm pet and undercover as Wranglum's minion.
Miss Sparkle: The headmistress of the academy.
Twilight: A fairy filly who is one of the teachers at the academy.
Zack: The top student of the academy who is Twilight's intern.
Production studio: Imira Entertainment
The information provided on this page about Filly Funtasia isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!