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Aria Ungerer (Pictor) – based on the children’s book by Tomi Ungerer



The Irish animated series “Flix!” is based on the world famous children’s book by author Tomi Ungerer. It tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Krall, two cats who give birth to a puppy named Flix. The series follows Flix’s life and experiences growing up as the only dog in a town populated only by cats. The episodes are full of mad plots and twists.

Who are the main characters of Flix!?

Flix: the protagonist, a puppy born to a cat couple Mr. and Mrs. Krall. Flix is a witty 8-year-old pug pup, who is a lively mix of energy and personality qualities - inquisitive, mischievous, and melodramatic.
Mr. and Mrs. Krall: the cat couple who give birth to the puppy Flix. They are the parents of Flix and the central characters in the story.
Tabi: one of Flix' best friends, a ginger and white striped tabby cat.
BurmaFang: one of Flix' friends, a grey and white cat.
Bernard: a cool cat.
Munchkin: one of Flix' best friends. He is dark grey and wears a turban.
Ratski: a mean adult cat, who doesn't like Flix.

Production studio: Pictor Productions

The information provided on this page about Flix! isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Flix! videos on Youtube

Flix! – Being the Odd Dog Out

Flix! – Dog Growing Up in Cat Town