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Footy Pups

Footy Pups

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Footy Pups



Sing along to the Footy Pups theme song and join Rachel Yankey and the Footy Pups to learn how to play football! Inspired by the desire to get children interested in sport and exercise from an early age Footy Pups focuses on the world’s favourite game, football, and aims to encourage a new generation of sporting stars. Narrated by commentator legend John Motson and hosted by one of England’s most capped footballers, Rachel Yankey OBE, the shows mission is to put the fun into kids football and celebrates a game that’s all bout passing, thinking, developing skills, and playing as a team.

In each episode Rachel teaches a different skill to a group of children and a 5-aside team of animated canines called the Footy Pups. We follow the pups on a short animated adventure, where they put their new found skill into practice, competing in an animal league.

Through the Footy Pups adventures and Rachel’s simple, fun practice drills and games, young viewers will learn a diverse range of skills for all sports and for life.

Who are the main characters of Footy Pups?

Benny: he's the team's striker. Benny is a Golden Labrador pup. He is friendly, loyal and he's a very fast runner.
Rex: he's the team's midfielder. Rex is a dark brown Poodle, who's great at dribbling the ball on the pitch. He's very talkative.
Rozzie: she's the team's winger. She's a pretty Dalmatian and an all-rounder at football.
Geraldine: she's a Chichuahua. She's got the job of defender in the team. She's a skilled acrobats and is very keen to showing off all her tricks.
Pickles: this Bulldog's got the very important job of saving goals! It's never an easy task, especially when Pickles is feeling hungry again.
Freddie: he is the manager of the Footy Pups. He might only be a little flea, but he has a huge impact. He used to be a striker.

Production studio: Dot to Dot Productions

The information provided on this page about Footy Pups isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Footy Pups videos on Youtube

Footy Pups – Star Monkey Ball

Footy Pups – Seeing Double