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Get Ace

Get Ace

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



DJ McPherson, Jack Christian


13-year-old nerd Ace McDougal is a young boy who looks at life with a touch of overconfidence! As someone who like to stand out, Ace acts before the thinks, creating chaos and confusion. During a routine dental appointment, Ace accidentally gets a set of hi-tech braces, who were originally intented for Ned Krinkle, an evil spy and master in disguise. The braces are loaded with dozens of gadgets and programmed with holographic artificial intelligence, named Hugo, only visible to Ace as a tiny floating version of Ned. Of course, Ned Krinkle and his evil mother Hilda try everything in their power to get the braces back. They imagine all sorts of complicated schemes to steal the braces right from Ace’s mouth! Meanwhile, Ace uses the braces to make his school life easier…

Who are the main characters of Get Ace?

Ace McDougal: A nerdy 13-year-old boy, who is accidentally fitted with high-tech, super spy braces during a regular dentist appointment.
Becky McDougal: Ace's sister, who believes he's an alien from outer space.
Hugo: The Holographic User Guidance Operative, or HUGO, is the super smart computer-generated hologram by which Ace's braces are operated.
Ned Krinkle: He's a villainous spy who can take on anyone's look and voice. He's the one who was supposed to get the braces and is now on a mission to retrieve them from Ace. Ned is very childish and throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
Hilda Krinkle: She is also an evil spy, and Ned's mother. She would do anything to get the braces for Ned.
Tina: Ace's crush, a girl from his class.
Gordon Rainer: The school bully, who picks on Ace.

Production studio: Top Draw Animation

The information provided on this page about Get Ace isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Get Ace videos on Youtube

Get Ace – Ace Gets Braced

Get Ace – Greener Tiina