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Ghosts of Ruin

Ghosts of Ruin

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



PJ Accetturo and Ryan Ramsay


The animated series “Ghosts of Ruin” is set in a near-future dystopian version of San Francisco, where a group of gamers participates in the first battle royal tournament of the Neural Reality, called “Ruin.” Initially appearing as a fun experience, the tournament takes a dark turn when a rogue program infiltrates, transforming the gamers’ paradise into a living nightmare. The series explores a world where virtual reality, known as “Neural Reality,” merges video games directly into players’ minds, blurring the lines between the virtual and real worlds.

Who are the main characters of Ghosts of Ruin?

Lee: he is the main character, who finds himself in over his head after winning a spot in the Tournament of Ruin. He discovers all the secrets hidden in the game.
Prism: a gunslinging character who is described as a badass gaming gunslinger and one of Lee's fellow contestants. She is portrayed as a no-nonsense gamer with a strong personality.
Juggernaut: when it comes to energy, she is unmatched and often steals the attention from others. She has made a name for herself as a content creator and explosives enthusiast. She is irreverent, hyper, and extremely charming.
Assassin: he is the world’s most famous e-sports athlete with a fan base that dwarfs that of his closest competition. He made a name for himself by winning tournament after tournament, at any cost. He adapts to any situation instantaneously and there isn’t a weapon he can't handle.
Castle: a fierce warrior with a soft side. He grew up needing to be tough at a much too young age. It was either beat or be beaten. Since he was always a big kid, violence became his answer.

Production studio: B.Water Animation Studio

The information provided on this page about Ghosts of Ruin isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Ghosts of Ruin videos on Youtube

Ghosts of Ruin – Official Trailer

Ghosts of Ruin – Teaser Trailer

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