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Giga Blaster

Giga Blaster

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Thiago Martins, Marco Pavão and Cazé Pecini



Meet Giga, a blue rhino, Rubi, his older sister, and Ziggy, their noisy younger brother. They are the children of Papai Maneiro, an old zombie owner of Cool Daddy’s karaoke bar, the coolest place in the city of Corner Pocket. Aspiring star of sportive music, Giga participates in true odysseys proposed by Papai Maneiro, who justifies the adventures as part of the training.

Who are the main characters of Giga Blaster?

Giga: a blue rhinoceros, who wants to become a music star. He practices at Cool Daddy's karaoke bar.
Rubi: Giga's older sister.
Ziggy: Giga and Rubi's younger brother, a noisy little fellow.
Papai Maneiro: the owner of Cool Daddy's Karaoke Bar, an old zombie.

Production studio: Copa Studio

The information provided on this page about Giga Blaster isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Giga Blaster videos on Youtube

Giga Blaster – Força na Peruca

Giga Blaster – Isca de Pombo