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Glitch Techs

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Country of origin

United States

Creation year



Eric Robles and Dan Milano


The two teenagers Hector and Miko are both part of the Glitch Techs, a group of people who are often pro gamers with superb computer skills. They have to deal with glitches in video games, that cause game characters to come alive in the real world as energy beings. To avoid chaos and havoc, the Glitch Techs must use their gamer logic to try to capture and destroy the Glitches. They must also fix any damages that were made and erase all memories to prevent further panic. Glitch Techs was produced for Nickelodeon and Netflix and is available on streaming television.

Who are the main characters of Glitch Techs?

Hector Nieves: He's also known as High Five or Hi-5 and has great gaming and computer skills. One of the main characters of the series. He's a member of the Dream Team.
Miko Kubota: She's also one of the main characters, and also known as Me-K.O. She brings herself and High Five into the Glitch Techs. She's the second member of the Dream Team.
Mitch Williams: He is the number one Hinobi gamer and part of the Mitch Squad.
Zahra Rashid: She is one of the senior Glitch Techs and part of the Mitch Squad.
Haneesh Jyoshi: Member of the Mitch Squad, and a very good hacker and skilled Raid player.
Adam Michael Nix: A senior Glitch Tech.
Phil Altiere: A Glitch supervisor and member of Bailley HQ Techs.
BITT: The Binary Intelligence Tech Trainer, Phil's robotic assistant.
Bergy: A friend of Hi-5 and Me-K.O.. Member of the Bailley HQ Techs.
Emma Deveraux: She specializes in training companion pets for the Glitch Techs.

Production studio: Nickelodeon Animation Studios

The information provided on this page about Glitch Techs isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Glitch Techs videos on Youtube

Glitch Techs – Ridley’s Secret Mission

Glitch Techs – Trailer

Glitch Techs Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Glitch Techs