Unofficial Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground cartoon wiki page
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Grandpa Joe’s Magical Playground
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Grandpa Joe uses his magical building blocks to create wonderful and surprising animals and toys with the help of Joy, Dylan and his loyal dog Pepper. Listen out for Grandpa’s magic words which bring the blocks to life and the real fun begins.
Who are the main characters of Grandpa Joe's Magical Playground?
Grandpa Joe: a loving grandfather who spends a lot of time with the children.
Joy: she's Grandpa Joe's grand-daughter.
Dylan: one of Joe's grandchildren. He wears a blue cap and has large brown shoes.
Pepper: one of Joe's grandchildren, he wears a blue hat and has red hands and feet. He's the tallest of the children.
Dustin: Grandpa Joe's loyal dog.
Production studio: Joseph Tayar Studio
The information provided on this page about Grandpa Joe’s Magical Playground isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!