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Creation year
WunderWerk (based on the books by Alexander Steffensmeier)
Henrietta the cow resides on a cozy farm alongside the farmer and a bustling array of animals. Her passion lies in assisting the local postman with his deliveries, leading her into grand adventures, occasional chaos, journeys, and even impromptu celebrations. Henrietta’s presence guarantees excitement, filled with lively tales brimming with surprises, eccentric chickens, and heartwarming conclusions!
The series captivates audiences with the whimsical escapades of the animals as they ingeniously tackle their peculiar predicaments, always culminating in a genuinely happy resolution.
Henrietta, prone to underestimating her own strength, approaches her endeavors with endearing naivety, resulting in a brand of humor that is both unique and delightful. Each episode unfolds with unexpected twists and comical turns, often defying initial expectations with its humorous outcomes.
The series captivates audiences with the whimsical escapades of the animals as they ingeniously tackle their peculiar predicaments, always culminating in a genuinely happy resolution.
Henrietta, prone to underestimating her own strength, approaches her endeavors with endearing naivety, resulting in a brand of humor that is both unique and delightful. Each episode unfolds with unexpected twists and comical turns, often defying initial expectations with its humorous outcomes.
Who are the main characters of Henrietta?
Henrietta: she is an almost normal cow, apart from the fact that she sometimes forgets she is a cow. She is very curious, impatient and clumsy. She has a lot of imagination and loves discovering new things.
The Farmer: she's not married and doesn't have children, she dedicates her whole life to the farm and its animals. She has a warm heart and loves all her animals dearly, sometimes almost treating them like human beings.
The Postman: he's a quiet and shy man, who lives alone. He has a soft spot for the Farmer. Henrietta helps him deliver the mail.
The Goat: a older, experienced animal, who helps Henrietta whenever she's in trouble.
The Pony: it wishes it was a superhero. The pony is a dreamer who likes to do things others are afraid to do.
The Dog: although he's supposed to guard the farm, the dog mostly likes to sleep.
The Chickens: a rather large group of chickens who live on the farm, without a rooster. Every morning, they use an old-fashioned gramophone to produce the "cock-a-doodle-doo" that wakes up the whole farm.
Production studio: Fabrique d'Images
The information provided on this page about Henrietta isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!