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Hey Duggee

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Grant Orchard



Hey Duggee is a brown dog and the protagonist of this British animated educational preschool television series, which is based around an activity club for children, The Squirrel Club. Duggee can’t speak, but even though he only communicates with a “woof” sound, everyone can understand him. In every episode, a situation will occur that can only be solved by learning a new skill. Once the skill has been learned, and the situation has been solved, the Squirrels receive one of Duggee’s badges. Every episode ends with a “Duggee Hug”, when the children hug Duggee all at once.

Who are the main characters of Hey Duggee?

Duggee: The leader of the Squirrel Club, a big brown male dog. He is kind, wise and always has a badge for the day's activity.
Betty: A loyal member of the Squirrel Club, she is an enthusiastic purple octopus who is eager to please.
Roly: A member of the Squirrel Club, a loud and hyperactive hippopotamus.
Happy: A member of the Squirrel Club, an easy-going green crocodile, who loves splashing in puddles and water.
Norrie: A member of the Squirrel Club, she is a curious and inquisitive little brown mouse.
Enid: Duggee's pet cat.
The Rabbits: They live in a field near the Squirrel Club's clubhouse and sound like hippies.
Diesel: An angry bull who chases Duggee and the other members of the Squirrel Club.
Naughty Monkey: A little monkey who loves to cause trouble.
The Chickens: They live in the hen-house and are binge-watching fans of a Spanish hospital-drama

Production studio: Studio AKA

The information provided on this page about Hey Duggee isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Hey Duggee videos on Youtube

Hey Duggee – Outdoor playing

Hey Duggee – Sea & Sand with Duggee

Hey Duggee Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Hey Duggee