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Horaci l’Inuit

Horaci l'Inuit

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Oscar Sarramia


“Horaci l’Inuit” is a series of humor and adventures that takes place in the Northern Territories. Horaci, with his family and Sedna, his best friend, live stories and surprises in a magical and fantastic environment. In each episode, Horaci and his friends meet curious and peculiar people surrounded by polar bears, sleds, kayaks and shamans.

“Horaci l’Inuit” is a fun and fast-paced series that aims to entertain children from 3 to 6 years old, but with clever and intelligent plots that will attract the attention of a second target audience up to 9 years of age.

Who are the main characters of Horaci l'Inuit?

Horaci: a little Inuit boy, who has all sorts of adventures in his snowy surroundings.
Rudolf: a polar bear who is friends with Horaci.
Sedna: Horaci's best friend.

Production studio: Imagic TV

The information provided on this page about Horaci l’Inuit isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Horaci l'Inuit videos on Youtube

Horaci l’Inuit – Promo

Horaci l’Inuit – Atents dai cjans!