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Hungry Henry

Hungry Henry

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United States

Creation year



BabyTV (PIL Animation)


Henry the cat is always hungry! All he is interested about is food, and he literally travels the world in search of his favourite dish. When visiting new places and trying out new flavours, Henry shares the preparation of the different foods. Young viewers get to know all the ingredients, how they are used and where they come from.

Who are the main characters of Hungry Henry?

Hungry Henry: The star of the show, he is always hungry and is always on the lookout for his next meal.
Benny: Hungry Henry's pet dog, he is loyal and always by his side.
Hilda: Hungry Henry's next door neighbor, she is kind and always willing to help.
Chef Pierre: The owner of the restaurant where Hungry Henry works, he is a talented cook with a bit of a temper.
Waiter: The waiter at Chef Pierre's restaurant, he is always eager to please.
Food Critic: A regular customer at Chef Pierre's restaurant, he is always looking for something to complain about.
Mrs. Potts: Hungry Henry's landlady, she is a kind woman who is always looking out for him.
Mr. Johnson: Hungry Henry's boss, he is a demanding man who is always looking for ways to save money.
Mrs. Johnson: Mr. Johnson's wife, she is a kind woman who is always willing to help.
Doctor: The doctor who Hungry Henry sees when he is sick, he is a kind man who is always willing to help.
The information provided on this page about Hungry Henry isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Hungry Henry videos on Youtube

Hungry Henry – Blueberry Muffin

Hungry Henry – Corn