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All you need to know about

I, Elvis Riboldi

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Country of origin

France and Spain

Creation year



Bono Bidari (Ramon Cabrera, Jaume Copons, Daniel Cerdà and Óscar Julve)


“I, Elvis Riboldi” is a French-Spanish animated series based on the successful collection of 11 graphic novels by the same name.

12-year-old Elvis Riboldi is an impulsive, hyperactive young boy from the town of Icaria. Unfortunately, he’s also quite naive, scatterbrained and quite destructive… Trouble is never very far away for Elvis. Even though Elvis has some great ideas and his intentions are always pure, disaster strikes every time. Luckily for Elvis, his two best friends Boris and Emma are always there to support him through every failure!

Who are the main characters of I, Elvis Riboldi?

Elvis Riboldi: A slacker and a bit of a klutz, but his heart is in the right place.
Boris Nusrat: Elvis' best friend, an extremely gifted boy. He's a book worm of scientific, educational and historical works. He also loves Bollywood musicals.
Emma Foster: she's the person who knows Elvis best, she has been sharing a desk at school with him since the very first day. She's a neat and hardworking student. She wants to become a lawyer when she grows up.
Ireland: Elvis' mother, she works as a postwoman. She's very patient towards Elvis, although he does get on her nerves.
Leonidas: Elvis' father, the best pastry cook in town.
Ms. Jennifer: the headmistress of Elvis' school. She's a very tough woman.
Dumont: a rich and spoilt boy. He hates Elvis.
Prof. Pinkerton: he's Dumont's father, the richest man in Icaria. He's not a very honest man, he's a blackmailer and tax evader.
Mr. Lugosi: Elvis' neighbour, a man with a long beard who used to be a hippy who worked as a war correspondant.

Production studio: Peekaboo Animation

The information provided on this page about I, Elvis Riboldi isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

I, Elvis Riboldi videos on Youtube

I, Elvis Riboldi – Don’t Copy Me!

I, Elvis Riboldi – Ultimate Substitute