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Jelly Jamm

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Carlos L. Del Rey, Victor M. López and David Cantolla



Colourful Bello, Goomo, Rita, Mina, Ongo, King and Queen are the seven heroes of this spunky animated series that celebrates music, fun and friendship. They live on the planet Jammbo, where they work in a music factory that creates the music for the entire universe. Once a piece is finished, it is sent out to its destination in a bubble. The 7 friends must remain vigilant, because if the factory were to stop, they would all turn grey and dull, lose their musical memory and stop moving altogether!

Who are the main characters of Jelly Jamm?

Bello: Leader of the group, has boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity.
Goomo: Bello's best friend and sidekick, sensitive, quiet, and friendly.
Mina: The brainiest of the group, speaks with an unknown foreign accent, and is a scientific and curious character.
Rita: Cute, pink, tender, sweet, affectionate, and playful.
Ongo: A purple male Jammbonian who rarely speaks and instead communicates through sounds, dance, and music.
The King: The purple Jammbonian king who wears purple clothing and is educated and wise when speaking in public, but in private, he is more childish and mischievous.
The Queen: The purple Jammbonian queen who wears yellow clothing, works while the King is busy playing, organises the work of the Dodos (who adore her), and directs the Music Factory to keep running.
The Dodos: A genus of horn-shaped creatures who are described as "the most amazing Jammbo beings".
Mini Mina: A miniature robot likeness of Mina.
Princess: A stuffed ragdoll and Rita's best friend.
The information provided on this page about Jelly Jamm isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Jelly Jamm videos on Youtube

Jelly Jamm – Princess Smile

Jelly Jamm – The Fall of Jammboman

Jelly Jamm Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Jelly Jamm