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Juani & Gatón

Juani & Gatón

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Anamaría Castiblanco D. and Andrés Julián Manrique


Juani loves to hear and fantasize about her grandfather’s travel stories, but his memory fails him and he can’t solve his granddaughter’s crazy questions. With the help of her friend Gatón, her cat-shaped blanket, Juani follows the clues given to her by her grandfather and embarks on fun adventures in search of the answer. Join these characters as they discover that each adventure awakens their creativity and that with each obstacle they will learn the value of friendship and teamwork.

Who are the main characters of Juani & Gatón?

Juani: her dream is to travel all around the world and take photographs, like her Grandpa did. Her eagerness and curiosity make her somehow impatient, very adventurous, impulsive, and a bit stubborn.
Gatón: he's Juani's favorite pet. He enjoys comfort, a good meal, a quiet movie, and a calm nap. He's not a great fan of all the adventures Juani gets him into. But his protective instincts won't let him abandon her.
Abuelo: when he was young, he was an intrepid and audacious photographer who traveled to all four corners of the world. Sadly, his memory isn't what it used to be and he gets distracted rather easily.

Production studio: Estudio Marañacos

The information provided on this page about Juani & Gatón isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Juani & Gatón videos on Youtube

Juani y Gatón – Trailer

Juani y Gatón – Cancion Cabezote