Unofficial Lale Ki Lolu cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Lale Ki Lolu
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Country of origin
Creation year
BabyTV and OuO time
Join Lale and Lolu on their adventure in a fairy’s magical world. They were both created from the soil by the magical fairy Ki. From ancient Egypt to the Far East, the two loveable creatures communicate with one another through sounds, allowing kids to use their imagination and continue the story themselves. This animated series is pure fun and invites us to explore our surroundings, discover new places and one another through games and play.
Who are the main characters of Lale Ki Lolu?
Lale: he is a light blue creature with a blue and green hat. His limbs are red and pink striped.
Lolu: he has one big green frog-like head/body, and his limbs are pink and greenish. Plants and birds live on top of his head.
Ki: she is an octopus-like fairy with long red hair, and big green eyes.
Production studio: OuO time
The information provided on this page about Lale Ki Lolu isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!