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Le Petit Nicolas

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Creation year



Alexandre de la Patellière et Matthieu Delaporte (basé sur l’oeuvre de René Goscinny et Jean-Jacques Sempé)



Nicolas is a young boy, who is navigating his way through primary school and life in general. Just like any other little boy his age, Nicolas tends to be a bit wild at times. His teacher is worried about him, his parents are having a really hard time with him… But Nicolas can be very sweet at times, and he’s also quite smart. Follow Nicolas and his friends on all his adventures. Watch his teacher suffer and his parents loose patience as Nicolas marches through his childhood.

Who are the main characters of Le Petit Nicolas?

Nicolas: the main character, sensitive and attached to true values like friendship, love of one's parents, and has some sense of justice. He is not good at arithmetic and is the smallest in his class.
Clotaire: He's bottom of the class.
Alceste: Nicolas' best friend, he's fat and he eats all the time.
Eudes: He's very strong and likes to punch our friends on the nose.
Geoffroy: His dad is very rich and buys him everything he wants.
Agnan: He is ranked first in the class and is the teacher's pet and therefore nobody likes him. But you can't hit him as often as you'd like, because he wears glasses.
Joachim: He has a little brother.
Maixent: He runs very fast because of his long legs.
Rufus: His father is a policeman, and he's got a cop's whistle.
Marie-Edwige Courteplaque: She's the very nice girl.
Louisette: The daughter of a friend of the mother of Nicolas; Nicolas decides he wants to marry her because she plays football well.
Rex: A lost dog that Nicolas found; his real name is Kiki.

Production studio: La Station Animation

The information provided on this page about Le Petit Nicolas isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Le Petit Nicolas videos on Youtube

Le Petit Nicolas – La Quarantaine (FR)

Le Petit Nicolas – Spécial Football (FR)