Unofficial Linus & Boom cartoon wiki page
All you need to know about
Linus & Boom
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Country of origin
France and South Korea
Creation year
Genoa Productions
In a not so distant future, the Space Development Center (SDC) wants to find all aliens who crash land on Earth, thinking they want to invade and kill innocent citizens. But in fact, the aliens are peaceful. A group of teenagers wishes to save and protect them from the SDC by giving them a human disguise. The show is also knows as My Giant Friend.
Who are the main characters of Linus & Boom?
Linus: The main character, he is a young boy who is always curious and loves to learn.
Boom: Linus' best friend, a big red alien who crashes on Linus' balcony.
Dr. K: A scientist who gives Linus the Scire Watch, which allows Boom to get a human disguise.
Iris, Monroe and Taki: Linus' friends, who help him find aliens who crash landed on Earth to protect them.
Chase: The most feared agent of the SCD, the Space Development Center, who wants to capture all aliens lost on Earth.
Jenny: Linus' crush who falls in love with Boom's human appearance.
Sandborn: Another agent from the SCD.
Cornell: A bully.
Boom: Linus' best friend, a big red alien who crashes on Linus' balcony.
Dr. K: A scientist who gives Linus the Scire Watch, which allows Boom to get a human disguise.
Iris, Monroe and Taki: Linus' friends, who help him find aliens who crash landed on Earth to protect them.
Chase: The most feared agent of the SCD, the Space Development Center, who wants to capture all aliens lost on Earth.
Jenny: Linus' crush who falls in love with Boom's human appearance.
Sandborn: Another agent from the SCD.
Cornell: A bully.
Production studio: Timoon Animation
The information provided on this page about Linus & Boom isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!