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All you need to know about

Little Princess

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Country of origin

United Kingdom

Creation year



The Illuminated Film Company (based on characters by Tony Ross)



Little Princess is the only child of King and Queen, which means she is a tad spoiled! She has the entire castle grounds completely to herself, free to do whatever she wishes. She loves to roam the wide grounds and invent all sorts of funny games to play. Her pets Puss the cat, Scruff the dog and her new Shetland pony Horace never leave her side and have many adventures of their own. Little Princess can always be seen with her favourite teddy bear Gilbert, who can comfort her whenever needed. This cartoon carries a positive message full of fun and humor and portrays countless day to day situations that will strike a chord with the young audience.

Who are the main characters of Little Princess?

The Little Princess: She is a young girl who is kind and caring, but can also be mischievous.
Mr. Green: The Little Princess' father, he is a kind and loving man.
Mrs. Green: The Little Princess' mother, she is a kind and loving woman.
Daisy: The Little Princess' best friend, she is a sweet and caring girl.
Lily: The Little Princess' other best friend, she is a sweet and caring girl.
Rose: The Little Princess' baby sister, she is a cute and innocent baby.
The Queen: The Little Princess' grandmother, she is a wise and regal woman.
The King: The Little Princess' grandfather, he is a wise and regal man.
The Fairy Godmother: A kind and magical woman who helps the Little Princess in her time of need.
The Wicked Witch: A mean and nasty woman who is the Little Princess' main antagonist.
The information provided on this page about Little Princess isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Little Princess videos on Youtube

Little Princess – I Want A Bicycle!

Little Princess – I Can Keep a Secret