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Mega Babies

Mega Babies

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Country of origin

Canada and United States

Creation year



Christian Tremblay and Yvon Tremblay



Meg, Derrick and Buck are three orphaned babies who were given special powers when struck by lightning when the entire solar system aligned itself. They spend their time fighting off monsters and aliens together with their caregiver, nurse Lazlo. There is a lot of toilet humor in this animated show, so it might not be suitable for everyone.

Who are the main characters of Mega Babies?

Meg: A super infant who, with the help of her guardian, Nurse Lazlo, defend their home city from evil doers.
Derrick: A super infant who, with the help of his guardian, Nurse Lazlo, defend their home city from evil doers.
Buck: A super infant who, with the help of his guardian, Nurse Lazlo, defend their home city from evil doers.
Nurse Lazlo: The guardian of Meg, Derrick, and Buck who helps them defend their home city from evil doers.

Production studio: Mercury Filmworks

The information provided on this page about Mega Babies isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Mega Babies videos on Youtube

Mega Babies – Let it Rip

Mega Babies – Journey to the Center of the Sewer

Mega Babies Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Mega Babies