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All you need to know about

Mia and Me

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Country of origin

Germany, Italy and Canada

Creation year



Gerhard Hahn and Hans Ulrich Stoef



After the death of her parents, Mia receives a game that her father made, The Legend of Centopia, that allows Mia to travel to the magical world of Centopia. It’s a land filled with mythological creatures, elves, pans, unicorns and dragons. In Centopia, Mia also becomes an elf.

Who are the main characters of Mia and Me?

Mia: A kind and caring 12-year-old girl who is thrust into a magical world, where she is transformed into a fairy.
Yuko: Mia's best friend, a girl warrior, who is loyal and protective.
Mo: An elfe prince, a brave fighter.
Lyria: A unicorn who befriends Mia.
Phuddle: A funny pan, who can be sometimes annoying.
Onchao: A white winged unicorn.
Simo: A lone elf who becomes friends with Mia, Mo and Yuko.
King Raynor and Queen Mayla: The rulers of the Centaur kingdom, they are Prince Mo's parents.
Panthea: The main villain, a ruthless dark elf from Dystopia, who seeks eternal youth.
Violetta: Mia's bully at the boarding school. She is a snobbish girl, who eventually becomes Mia's friend.

Production studio: Rainbow SpA

The information provided on this page about Mia and Me isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Mia and Me videos on Youtube

Mia and Me – The Golden Son

Mia and Me – Trumptus Lost

Mia and Me Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Mia and Me