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Mimo & Leva

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Country of origin
Creation year
Mideu Films GmbH
The German animated series “Mimo & Leva” takes us back on a historical journey, all the way to the Bronze Age.
As the children of the village chief and the keeper of the famous sky disc, the paths of Mimo and Leva are predetermined: He becomes chief and bears responsibility for the village, she always remains quiet and well-behaved… Ha! The two of them have completely different plans!
With Leva’s bravery and enthusiasm for bronze casting, she wants to become chief herself! And Mimo prefers to think up visions on how he can make life easier for all the villagers. Mimo and Leva are not the only children in the village: there is Brock, who as the village bully has more muscles than brains. And Kula, who both Mimo and Brock have a crush on… Young Jado prefers to hide behind Leva… But who turns out to be Mimo and Leva’s best friend? A goat!
The adults of the village find these shenanigans rather strange, but at the end of the day, together they endure exciting adventures, overcome outdated traditions, and forge their own futures!
The series is about friendship, relationships, respect, and life in the Bronze Age. Following the two children of the village chief the show portraits how villagers in that time used to live, and how their life and traditions were shaped by the beliefs surrounding the Nebra sky disc. This disc is classified as one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, and an internationally known part of the Unesco Memory of the World.
The historic topics are transmitted in entertaining and funny ways, with the odd reference to modern life thrown into the mix.
As the children of the village chief and the keeper of the famous sky disc, the paths of Mimo and Leva are predetermined: He becomes chief and bears responsibility for the village, she always remains quiet and well-behaved… Ha! The two of them have completely different plans!
With Leva’s bravery and enthusiasm for bronze casting, she wants to become chief herself! And Mimo prefers to think up visions on how he can make life easier for all the villagers. Mimo and Leva are not the only children in the village: there is Brock, who as the village bully has more muscles than brains. And Kula, who both Mimo and Brock have a crush on… Young Jado prefers to hide behind Leva… But who turns out to be Mimo and Leva’s best friend? A goat!
The adults of the village find these shenanigans rather strange, but at the end of the day, together they endure exciting adventures, overcome outdated traditions, and forge their own futures!
The series is about friendship, relationships, respect, and life in the Bronze Age. Following the two children of the village chief the show portraits how villagers in that time used to live, and how their life and traditions were shaped by the beliefs surrounding the Nebra sky disc. This disc is classified as one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, and an internationally known part of the Unesco Memory of the World.
The historic topics are transmitted in entertaining and funny ways, with the odd reference to modern life thrown into the mix.
Who are the main characters of Mimo & Leva?
Mimo: Mimo is the 12-year-old son of village chief Ago and his wife Bruna. He is set to become the next leader of the village, but he would rather spend his days working on new inventions. His ideas are way ahead of the time. Although most of them turn out to be a bit of a mess, his heart is in the right place and he always tries to make life better for the entire village.
Leva: Leva is Mimo’s 9-year-old sister. As the daughter of Ago and Bruna, she is expected to become a well-behaved lady, but she is a bit of a hothead. Brave and passionate about bronze casting, she challenges the traditions and forges her own future. Although there is some typical rivalry between the siblings, she and Mimo always have each other’s back when the going gets tough.
Mimo: Ago is the village chief and keeper of the famous sky disk. As a talented bronze smith, his job is to take care of the disk and protect it from robbers and other dangers. As the village chief he is also responsible for the well-being of the villagers. He has high expectations for both of his children, but often learns a thing or two from them, as well.
Bruna: Bruna is Ago’s wife and the mother of Mimo and Leva. She is a kind and noble woman who married Ago out of love, even though her family is of higher rank. She is undoubtedly the heart of the family. Though she loves her children dearly she is very keen on holding up traditions, but in the end she will always put the well-being of her children first.
Goat: The goat is Mimo and Leva’s best friend. She may be a farm animal in theory, but she is much more like a pet to the chief family, much like a dog would be. A bit of a troublemaker herself she always sticks around with Mimo and Leva, accompanying them on their adventures and helping them out of some tricky situations.
Brock: Brock is one of the children and the village bully. He has more muscles than brains and always challenges Mimo to see who the “real man” of the village is. He has a crush on Kula and picks on the younger children. His only weakness is his height, and his favourite past time is chopping wood.
Jado: Jado is the youngest and smallest child of the village. He is the apprentice of the herbal healer, aspiring to become just like her when he grows up. Scared of almost everything he likes to stick to the other children for protection – especially from Brock. His strength is his kind heart and compassion for all living creatures, but he definitely lacks Brock’s muscles or Leva’s confidence.
Kula: Kula is the oldest of the village children and a bit of a goth. She is usually very level-headed and keeps out of the shenanigans of the younger children, as she is way too cool for them. But though she might act like she doesn’t care much about anything she still has a lot going on in her head. As the oldest she carries a lot of expectations, but the other children make sure not to let her forget to enjoy her childhood.
Grandfather: The Grandfather was the village chief before his son Ago followed in his footsteps, and he is now enjoying the simple pleasures of life. He is a kind-hearted and simple man with a very traditional idea of what is right or wrong. The only exception is Leva‘s crafting skills - he believes it‘s silly not to teach her how to cast bronze, and instead trying to impose it on Mimo.
Herbal Healer: The Herbal Healer is one of the oldest people in the village, though nobody knows her age. She might even be immortal. She has a vast knowledge of the healing powers of all kinds of herbs and plants, and always brews up new potions. Being her own best client, she usually seems a bit out of it, but she is always there when others need her help.
Hunter: The hunter is the village hipster. He has a love for poetry and storytelling, which makes him speak in rhymes. This tends to annoy the other villagers as he might take more words than others to get to the core of a story. As he spends a lot of time in the woods surrounding the village, he is usually the first one to pick up news.
Nightwatchman: The Nightwatchman keeps watch over the village by night to protect it from any dangers that might arise. Or at least he tries to, but since he is always tired it is difficult for him to stay awake for long periods of time. He can be mostly seen standing around leaning on his spear, enjoying a quick nap or two.
Production studio: Mideu Films GmbH
The information provided on this page about Mimo & Leva isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!