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Country of origin

Spain, Belgium

Creation year



Peekaboo Animation



Ro, Low and Blu are three tiny paint drops, a red one, a yellow one and a blue one! These little adventurous drops have managed to escape from one of the paintings of the famous Spanish painter Joan Miró. After spending a long time in a dark and boring storage room with lots of other Miró paintings, they can now go and discover the museum’s impressive exhibition. Every evening after closing time, the three little Mironins take a closer look at one of the exciting works of art on the Miró Museum walls. While doing so, they have loads of fun and exciting adventures, need to solve unexpected problems and overcome difficult obstacles, mostly created by themselves! Follow the drops in this fascinating world of art and imagination and learn about the artist Miró in the process!

Who are the main characters of Mironins?

Ro: The red Mironin, fearless and dynamic. He loves to skate and is always acting like a clown.
Blu: The blue Mironin. He is always ready with a brilliant idea or an adequate solution for every situation. He's mostly very sleepy and wears a night cap.
Low: The yellow Mironin. He is very much in touch with his emotions and can be quite absent-minded.

Production studio: Peekaboo Animation

The information provided on this page about Mironins isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Mironins videos on Youtube

Mironins – Trailer

Mironins – Ro y el sol lejano (Spanish)