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Monkey See Monkey Do

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Country of origin

Israel and Canada

Creation year



Tamar & Yuval Levy


In every episode of Monkey See Monkey Do, a little monkey finds himself in a different part of the world : the African savannah, the American great plains or the icy Arctic landscape. The monkey meets a local animal and explains how this animal moves and how it is different from people.

Who are the main characters of Monkey See Monkey Do?

Monkey: A mischievous and charming monkey who is the leader of his troop.
Gorilla: A big and strong gorilla who is the muscle of the group.
Orangutan: A wise and level-headed orangutan who is the voice of reason.
Chimpanzee: A friendly and curious chimpanzee who is always exploring.
Baboon: A loud and boisterous baboon who loves to make others laugh.
Mandrill: A regal and dignified mandrill who is the leader of the females.
Ostrich: A tall and graceful ostrich who is always elegant.
Parrot: A colorful and talkative parrot who loves to socialize.
Pig: A lazy and greedy pig who is always looking for food.
Tiger: A fierce and dangerous tiger who is the king of the jungle.

Production studio: Gallus Entertainment

The information provided on this page about Monkey See Monkey Do isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!

Monkey See Monkey Do videos on Youtube

Monkey See Monkey Do – Trailer

Monkey See Monkey Do Theme Song

Listen to the theme song of Monkey See Monkey Do