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Mustang Mama

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Mustang Mama is not your ordinary soup-making, sock-knitting or flower-planting grandmother. She’s actually very adept at sports and especially loves the extreme ones. She takes her grandson Toby on all her sporty adventures and is often better than him, to his great shame! Check out Mustang Mama and get your skates on!

Who are the main characters of Mustang Mama?

Mustang Mama: An elderly lady who is an absolute sports fan. She wants to have a go at any sport available.

Toby: Mustang Mama's grandson. Although he is so much younger than his grandmother, she is mostly better at sports than him.

Cow: A blue cow that accompanies Mustang Mama and Toby on their sporty adventures.

Production studio: Inspidea

The information provided on this page about Mustang Mama isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!