Unofficial Nelly & Nora cartoon wiki page
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All you need to know about
Nelly & Nora
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Country of origin
Creation year
Gerard O’Rourke
Nelly and Nora are two little sisters who love playing outside, no matter the weather! They love it when there’s a bright summer sunshine, when they can warm up their little toes. They love it when it’s rainy, when they can jump in the muddy puddles. They love it when it’s windy, when they can make their kite fly up high in the sky. They love it when it’s snowy, when they can build a snowman. Join Nelly and Nora on their everyday adventures.
Who are the main characters of Nelly & Nora?
Nelly: A young girl who is kind and curious. She loves the outdoors.
Nora: Nelly's younger sister. She spends most of her time with her older sister Nelly.
Dad: Nelly and Nora's father.
Farmer Joe: A farmer who owns land next to the trailer park where Nelly and Nora spend their holidays.
Mum: Nelly and Nora's mother.
Grandpa: Nelly and Nora's grandfather.
Katie: Nelly and Nora's friend.
Nora: Nelly's younger sister. She spends most of her time with her older sister Nelly.
Dad: Nelly and Nora's father.
Farmer Joe: A farmer who owns land next to the trailer park where Nelly and Nora spend their holidays.
Mum: Nelly and Nora's mother.
Grandpa: Nelly and Nora's grandfather.
Katie: Nelly and Nora's friend.
Production studio: Geronimo Productions
The information provided on this page about Nelly & Nora isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!