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Country of origin
Creation year
Xilam Animation
Stan and Olivia are twins with a cheerful and active personality, who love to go where their imagination takes them. Even though Stan is in a wheelchair, this never hinders him in his energetic life. Together with their friends Bigfoot, Puff, Podium and Magma, Stan and Olivia live every day to the fullest. For them, even the smallest event can be a great adventure.
Who are the main characters of Paprika?
Stan: one of the Paprika twins who use their boundless enthusiasm to turn everyday life into an extraordinary adventure
Olivia: one of the Paprika twins who use their boundless enthusiasm to turn everyday life into an extraordinary adventure
Production studio: Xilam
The information provided on this page about Paprika isn’t endorsed by the creators or the production. It has been compiled by fans of the character(s) who want to share their passion. Feel free to share it if you also love this cartoon!